How to Choose the Right Crystal(s) For You

How to Choose the Right Crystal(s) for You
With so many crystals on the market, and so much information available about them, it can be difficult to know which ones might work best for you. In this guide, we’ll look at how to select the perfect crystal(s).
In essence, it’s simple. Don’t choose the crystal: let the crystal choose you. So how does that work in practice? My first piece of advice is:
Throw the Book Away
Not literally...please don’t do that. There are some beautiful books out there about crystals; I own several myself. They’re great for introducing you to the vast array of crystals that are available, and contain tons of interesting information. Reading about other people’s experiences of certain crystals is a great place to begin. But they’re just that: other people’s experiences.
This is why, at Crystal Bokeh, we don’t provide detailed information about what a crystal “does”. You might find the occasional listing where I remark upon the crystal’s energy, the way in which I use it, or what the general consensus is about its primary effects, but we purposely leave it open for you to decide and experience for yourself.
The Right Crystal(s) at the Right Time
As humans, we are in a state of constant flux. Our mood, our energy, our environment and our circumstances change all the time. So it makes sense that the crystals we attune to at any given point in our lives will change too (if you’re interested, I introduce my current crystal ‘toolbox’ here).
I believe that each individual crystal is as unique as we are. Think of crystals as little energetic beings. Each one vibrates at its own frequency, just as humans do. It makes sense, then, that a single crystal, or type of crystal, will interact differently depending on who’s using it. I have an excellent example of this in action that happened just recently:
The Mysterious ‘Moldavite Flush’
A few days ago, I gave a good friend her first ever Pure Energy Healing session. When I arrived at her house, she pointed to my Moldavite pendant, and asked what it was. She’d never heard of Moldavite, but thought it looked pretty. Later, during the session, I felt inclined to place it on her third eye. I had not planned on using Moldavite in the session, but the fact that she had pointed it out (and I was wearing three different crystals that day - Black Tektite, Scapolite, and the Moldavite) felt like a sign.
I placed the crystal on her forehead and continued with the healing. At that point I was focusing on her stomach. After about 10 minutes I felt a strong urge to remove the Moldavite, so I set it aside. Afterwards, we were discussing the session and she asked me what I had placed on her forehead. She explained that as soon as I had put the Moldavite there, she’d felt an intense ‘pressure’ that wasn’t entirely pleasant, and was in fact a little overwhelming. She said, “when you took it away it’s like my whole mind was blasted open”. Incredible!
I have owned this pendant for several months. I wear it almost daily, and often place it on my third eye during meditation. I love it, but I have never experienced anything as powerful as she described. I’ve heard so many stories about people having similarly powerful reactions to Moldavite, but it’s just never happened like that for me. And that’s ok. I trust that my Moldavite is doing exactly what it needs to do for me at any given time. And whatever it did for my friend was exactly what she needed at that moment, too.
Choosing the Right Crystals When Buying In-Person and Online
There’s nothing quite like visiting a bricks-and-mortar crystal store. I’ve spent many happy hours sorting through crystals, attuning to their different energies to find the ones that speak to me. These days I’m lucky to get to do this at my suppliers’, handpicking the crystals that will eventually find their way into the right hands. While an in-person shopping experience can’t be beaten, the proliferation of online metaphysical shops gives buyers easy access to a huge range of crystals, way more than can be housed in a single store.
Even though I have access to many different wholesale suppliers, I still regularly purchase crystals for my personal collection at online consumer-facing stores, too. I find that I go crystal shopping for three main reasons:
- I am looking for a particular type of crystal. This is usually because I’ve recently watched a video about it, and felt a little ‘spark’ or affinity with it, and want to get a piece for myself to see what it’s all about.
- I’m looking for new additions to my specific collections. While I usually find one or two of any crystal type is enough for my personal collection, I like to collect many examples of crystals that I use a lot, or simply love, such as Rhodochrosite, Blue Lace Agate, and Ocean Jasper.
- I’m just browsing to see if anything calls to me. (This is often in combination with the two points above.)
This is How I Choose Crystals
- Set your budget before you go crystal shopping.
- It’s easy to get carried away. Just remember that you don’t really need anything when it comes to
- Set your intentions.
- Do you already know what you’re looking for?
- Take a few deep, calming breaths, and simply see what calls to you.
- If you’re in a store, hold the crystal in you hand and see how it makes you feel.
- Review your basket before purchasing, and ask yourself:
- Do I really want this piece?
- Will it be a cherished addition to my collection?
- Will I display/wear/enjoy and/or use it regularly?
- Perhaps you can’t yet feel the subtle energies of crystals yet. It took years for me to attune in that way, and I feel like I’m still only at the beginning of my journey. (If you want to learn more about how I started feeling energy, check out this blog post.)
How We Work
At Crystal Bokeh, we try to offer our customers as many options as possible when selecting their crystal. However, with literally thousands of crystals in stock, it’s impossible to photograph and list every single one individually. In cases where a customer will receive one from a box of many (e.g., a tumbled Rose Quartz or Carnelian), I select them intuitively. I take a few deep breaths, close my eyes, and trust that I will be guided to pick just the right one.
I believe that every single crystal has its designated ‘keeper’. I’m just the middleman, or caretaker, facilitating that connection. My intuition hasn’t let me down yet, but if you’re not 100% happy with the item(s) that you receive, we offer a money-back guarantee – please see Shipping & Returns for more information.