My Current Crystal Toolbox

Here's what's in my current crystal toolbox: the crystals that I’ve been using regularly for the past few months. I do occasionally introduce other crystals into my routine, if something calls to me at a specific time, but these are the ones I return to again and again.
Black Tektite: I bought a piece of Black Tektite about 20 years ago on a trip to Australia. It’s not the most exciting ‘crystal’* to look at, that’s for sure, which is possibly why I ended up leaving it lying forgotten in a box until last summer. At the time I was suffering from a major flare up of a chronic pain condition, and was drawn to reconnect with my crystal collection. (In fact, that’s where my journey with Crystal Bokeh began, you can read more about that here.) I think it was no accident that, out of so many crystals in that box, I chose the Tektite. From my reading over the years, I’ve always associated black crystals with a grounding energy, and that’s probably why I selected it, but I had no idea just how powerful it was.
For me, Tektite feels like a vacuum cleaner for my body’s energy field. Mark Bajerski makes some fantastic YouTube videos about it, and how he discovered that it is an incredible absorber of negative energy. I’ve been working with it almost daily for over a year now, and I also use it during my healing sessions. When meditating, I place Black Tektite anywhere I feel pain (usually my knee, wrist, and/or shoulder), and on my stomach. Sometimes, if I’ve had a busy day and my thoughts are in overdrive, I place a small piece on my third eye during my pre-sleep meditation. I also either wear a piece, or carry one in my pocket, most days.
As far as I’m concerned Black Tektite is an absolute must-have in any crystal toolbox.
Moldavite: There’s so much excitement about Moldavite, and for good reason. I’ve been wearing a Moldavite pendant most days for several months. I feel very drawn to Moldavite. I’ve never experienced the ‘flush’ that others report, but I just intuitively know that it’s an important crystal* for me at this point in my life, a time of great change and spiritual growth. I often meditate with a piece on my third eye, and find that I reach deeper levels of peaceful focus when I use it. I feel that Moldavite is a slow-burner for me; I feel very connected to my Moldavites, but I’m not 100% sure what they’re up to. I guess time will tell!
Seraphinite: I LOVE Seraphinite. The chatoyance, the deep green hues, and those feathery silver patterns. I’m obsessed, and believe I’ve only just scratched the surface of what it can do. I wear it as a pendant, and also have a piece that I hold in my hand, or place on my heart chakra whilst meditating. I believe that Seraphinite opens my heart chakra and allows me to connect with my true self. I often use it in meditation when my mind is feeling chaotic; I believe it helps me to cut through the noise and centre myself.
Rhodochrosite: This is a crystal of comfort, self-acceptance, and heart healing. It feels like a hug for the soul. Rose quartz is widely accepted as doing all of these things (and I agree!) but there’s just something about Rhodochrosite that takes this up a level for me. On top of that, I just love the variety of colours and types. I find myself drawn to Rhodochrosite very often, either for meditation or when choosing my jewellery for the day.
Shattuckite: This is an interesting one that I’m still very much getting to know. I read somewhere that someone felt it worked really well with Seraphinite, so I decided to test it out. Working with these together, I place Seraphinite on my heart chakra and Shattuckite on my solar plexus. The first time I was drawn to do this, after a day of energy-healing, I had one of the most incredible meditative experiences of my life. I had physical pulsing and pulling sensations around my heart that I have never felt before, and it felt like the two crystals were ‘talking’ to each other through their vibrations. It’s difficult to describe, and I haven’t yet managed to recreate it. Perhaps I am not supposed to, but whatever happened that evening gave me a huge boost of confidence that I am walking the right path, and that there’s so much more to this universe than we can imagine.
Blue Lace Agate: I love the undulating pale-blue waves of Blue Lace Agate. It’s a crystal that I regularly polish in my tumbler, too. I use Blue Lace Agate to access a deep sense of calm. For me, it’s a quick fix whenever I’m feeling anxious or emotionally overwhelmed. In those moments I hold a piece in my hand while focusing on my breathing. Sometimes I also hold a piece while I meditate, usually before bed.
Herkimer Diamond: There’s something really special about Herkimers. I love watching videos of people digging for them; I’ve seen loads yet always feel that sense of excitement and awe when one is uncovered. Mother Nature’s gifts are just mindblowing. I use Herkimer Diamond to ‘boost’ the effects of other crystals, and to give me mental clarity. I have a small Herkimer that I place on my third eye, above my Moldavite, while meditating, and occasionally hold one in my hand.
How long will I use these particular crystals? I’m not sure. I expect that, once a particular crystal has done its work for now, I will be drawn to it less and less, and another might take its place. I simply follow my intuition. In fact, I’ve randomly found myself thinking about Malachite these past few days, so I’m planning to introduce that into my meditation routine this week and see what happens!
This is simply a list of what I’m using regularly and why. I’ve written a much longer post about How I Use Crystals that goes into my daily practices in depth.
*I use the term ‘crystal’ for every stone, tektite etc. that I use, even if they’re not technically a crystal. It just makes things simpler :)